
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Briggs is SIX Months!

Somehow, this little tot is HALF A YEAR OLD. How did this happen? And how do I make it stop??

Weighs: Thankfully, we haven't had to have a doctor's visit since his four month check-up (his six month appointment is later this week), so I can't say for sure what he weighs right now. I did get on the scale with him the other day, and he was about 19lbs.

Sleeps: As far as naps are concerned, Briggs isn't super consistent. Some days he'll take a morning nap that lasts 3 hours! And some mornings he doesn't want to take a morning nap at all. Same thing goes for the afternoon. But he has been a CHAMP at sleeping at night this month. Many nights he has been sleeping until 4:30ish before waking up to eat and then going back down. And two times this past week, he slept all the way through the night. One of those nights, he went down early at 7pm and did not wake up until 6:30am!!! Mama could get used to that!

Eats: I mentioned in the last update that even thought he had started trying some foods, he began not to be interested in them anymore (whether they were homemade or store bought / fruit or veggie / thick or thin). He was only interested in nursing. Well, in the alst week or two, he has definitely had a change of heart :) He happily eats food now, but he does prefer mashed up table food as opposed to baby food. He still nurses a lot when I am home but can go about 4 hours between bottles on the days I am at work.

Wears: Briggs is wearing 6-9-month and 9-month clothing (and an occasional 12-month outfit!). He is still in a size 3 diaper.

Plays: He really loves to play with his toys when he is sitting in his swing or car seat. He also likes to sit in his Bumbo seat in the playroom and watch his brothers play around him. When he is in the right mood, he will jump in his doorway jumper for a while! He likes doing it the most when there is a lot going on and he can watch. He's been enjoying his walker, too. He can stretch one foot down to move the walker at home, but he's not quite tall enough to make it move a ton. The walker at our church is lower, though, and he can cruise around in that pretty well.

Milestones: Little man popped not one but two teeth this month! He was fussy Halloween night (which was pretty out of character), and that first tooth popped through soon after. And that toothy grin is the cutest thing ever! Also, he learned how to sit up on his own this month. He is still not doing it all the time, but he is able to do it for a little while.

We sure do love this baby brother and can't believe he's already six months old! He is the perfect addition to our family, and we are all pretty smitten with him. Happy six months, Briggsie!