
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Grayer: A 3 Year Snapshot

Grayer turned THREE back in January! Where to even start with this crazy kid??

The Stats:
While his big brother and baby brother are both above average in height and weight, that is just not the case for Grayer :) At his well-check visit last week, he weighed in a 31 pounds. He is in the 20th/30th percentile for weight/height. He is our smaller framed kiddo for sure.

Thank goodness Grayer still takes a great nap almost every day. He is still the earliest riser most days - always making his way to our room to ask for a snack, to watch his tablet while everyone else wakes up, or to ask if "Briggsie is awake." :) He no longer sleeps in pull-ups for nap or bed (he's been doing this for at least 3 months or more I believe).

Grayer is such a talker! He has a very advanced vocabulary and speech pattern for his age, which we attribute to having an older brother so close in age. Some of my favorite things he says are:
- He says "amen" instead of "the end" at the end of a story
- Grayer uses "sugars" (what we call kisses) as a verb, too. He tells me he is "sugaring" Briggs when he is giving him kisses. Love it!
-Just like Wells, he is well versed in train lingo. It's so cute to hear him throw out words like a train's "tender" and "couplings."

Being the Middle Brother:
Grayer and Wells have a serious love/hate relationship. They love each other of course, and sometimes they are SO sweet and loving and get along great. But currently, there seems to be more bickering going on. I'm sure it's just the particular stage we're in right now at their current ages. They know exactly which buttons to push to annoy the other. As far as Grayer and Briggs, Grayer still LOVES his baby brother to pieces. He is always wanting to "sugar" him and talk to him and hug him. He will sit and play with Briggs for short periods of time as well. It's neat to see Grayer's dynamic with both Wells and Briggs - since he's the middle guy and the only one with both a little brother and a big brother.

The Smarts:
Grayer is so smart. He is currently learning what sounds different letters make (Eric has been working with him on it at night usually while I am cleaning the kitchen or putting the baby to sleep). He is ridiculously good at puzzles. He has a Thomas puzzle that is 35 pieces, and he puts it together with no help at all. 

Grayer goes to a Prek2 program 2 mornings a week and is doing really well. He tells me on the way there that he is so excited to see his friends, and he always reports back that he listened to his teachers that day! Ha! 

Trains are still his #1 love. He can be found at the train table or sprawled out on any table or floor in the house with a string of trains. He makes them race or have conversations all the time. He is very good at entertaining himself as well. When we are home and Wells is at school, he is really good about playing by himself for a while if I have work to do. He's also gotten really into drawing and coloring lately as well and loves to make me drawings. Other favorite toys of his are animal figurines, and matchbox cars. 

That Personality:
Grayer cracks us up all the time. He loves being silly and says the funniest things. He is hands down the clumsiest kid of all time. He falls and hurts himself at least 3 times every day, and that is not at all an exaggeration. He loves music. He sings along to all the songs on the radio and on their movies/shows. He always tells me, "Mom, sing it!" when a song comes on. He wants everyone singing along! Ha! He likes to dance when music comes on, too.

Grayer is such a snacker. From the second he wakes up in the morning to the time he goes to bed, he is asking us for a snack. He is in a pretty picky stage right now, and I can't wait for it to be over! He is not a fan of trying new foods and we have to make him take a couple bites of dinner every night if it isn't something he's crazy about. His favorite snacks are pretzels and goldfish. He still loves berries, yogurt, applesauce, and cottage cheese. His favorite meal is probably spaghetti. And he is still crazy about breakfast sausage.

-His favorite shows to watch are Thomas & Friends, Bubble Guppies, and Peppa Pig. He also loves the minions. They got one of the movies from my parents for Christmas, and he was obsessed for a while.
-He loves doing devotions at night. He follows along very well and really enjoys the songs/motions.
- We cannot break this kid of his paci. The deal was for it to be gone on his 3rd birthday, and the morning he turned 3, he woke up in a panic! Lol. He is so attached to it, and right now we are letting him have it at nap and bedtime. And he usually steals Briggs' at least once a day, too. :)

We sure love this guy and all his quirks. I hope he stays as loving and sweet and hilarious as he is right now! :)

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