
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday: Momfessionals

I am linking up with Andrea for today's Show & Tell Tuesday's Momfessionals. I loved doing this post last year, and it is too funny reading all of the other mom confessions out there. Lots of laughs and facepalms :)

Here are my current momfessionals:

1. Wells stands up for the majority of his bath. Is it the safest habit ever for a 19-month-old? No. Does bathtime go much smoother and happier? Yes. I really am trying to get him to sit more, but he loves standing and playing with his toys (two of which mount on the tub wall, hence the standing) while he is in there. I am always right next to him so it really isn't that unsafe...

2. I hate hate hate the smell of Play-Doh. Eric let Wells play with some for the first time a while back, and I could not participate in the fun. He is getting close to the age where he would probably do pretty well playing with it, but we are going to have to find or make an alternative kind. Seriously, I am getting queasy just thinking about it. Next topic.

3. I am due with baby boy #2 in less than two weeks (!), and I still do not have my hospital bag or Wells' overnight bag packed. I do have the baby's stuff packed...okay, well not actually in a bag yet, but it is in a pile on his rocking chair :)

4. Wells has been drinking out of a sippy cup for a long time now (usually water or juice), but he was still getting a morning and night bottle of milk up until about a month or so ago. But he is just not a huge fan of it in a cup. So I maaaaaaay add some strawberry syrup in it to make sure he drinks it. I plan on decreasing the amount until we're down to none, but hey, it is what it is.

5. I sometimes have to look away when disciplining Wells because I can't help but laugh. He is so stinking dramatic (no clue where he gets it) that it can be downright hilarious when he doesn't get his way. I am careful to turn away, though, so he doesn't see me crack!

6.  Wells has always been a great eater. He loves healthy stuff, and it is not a struggle to get him to eat meals. But boy loves junk food, too. He is a potato chip fanatic. I have to cut him off when eating them because I literally think he could eat an entire bag...and not the snack size bag if you know what I mean! He also gets all kinds of excited when he sees pizza. A true boy.

7. It is like a WWE smackdown (is that the right term...I don't watch wrestling. Ha!) in our house every night. Being such a girly girl and raised with only sisters, boy stuff is all new to me. I have had to learn that boys will be boys (and men also will be boys, amiright?). Eric will launch pillows across the room to knock Wells' feet out from under him...and the crazy child LOVES it. I feel like I should mention that he does this in the living room, where it is carpeted. There is constant wrestling, slinging, and all other crazy activities...and I've gotten (mostly) used to it and allow it to continue. Hey, I don't want my boys being wimps.

8. Wells is 19 months old and I JUST (as in, last week) bought and hung pictures and canvases of his newborn portraits and family pictures in our house. There are probably almost a million pictures of Wells on our phones, computers, etc., but I am the absolute worst at getting them printed. I think we literally had like 2 framed pictures of him in the entire house (and one was an ultrasound!). Part of my motivation is that I hope that this will get me to get baby #2's pictures up sooner by feeling guilty that pictures of Wells are around...yeah, even I doubt this will work.

*I could probably think of 2 more things to add to this list to make it to a nice even number 10...but I have a doctor's appointment in 20 minutes (pray for some dilation, people!). I still have to wake Wells up and get him clothed for the outside and get him down to the car, make sure I've got snacks and something to keep him entertained, and also somehow get my 38 week pregnant self out of this chair...yeah, we are going to be late.

Join the link-up here and share you Momfessional moments!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday: Reintroduction & Resolutions for 2016

Well, it has been a hot minute since I blogged (other than a couple of toddler updates). I am happy to join Andrea for the first Show & Tell Tuesday of 2016! And before we continue, yes, I am fully aware that it is Wednesday and not Tuesday. Better late than never, thankyouverymuch ;)

Anyway, today's yesterday's topic is Reintroductions/Resolutions. How appropriate to reintroduce myself...because A) I have been MIA for a while, and B) there has been a LOT going on in our lives lately. I mean a lot. So, here we go...

My name is Stephanie. My college sweetheart and hubby of 4 years, Eric, and I live in Savannah, GA. I have lived here basically my whole life and couldn't imagine living anywhere else (a fact my North Carolinian husband had to accept before we got married! Ha! ).

We welcomed our first sweet baby in June 2014. Wells Benjamin has been the greatest blessing we could have ever dreamed of (you can read his birth story here).

He is now a crazy, 18-month-old whirlwind of energy and keeps us laughing all day. In May 2015, just a few weeks before Wells' first birthday, we found out we were expecting Baby #2! What a surreal experience. We were so excited at the news but also shocked because we had planned to wait a few more months before trying for our second child. Baby #2 (another BOY) is due to arrive in less than a month!

The end of 2015 was a rough one for us, for sure. Let me backtrack just a sec - I have always been a very driven person. I made straight A's throughout high school and college. I graduated college summa cum laude at the top of my class. The job market when Eric and I graduated was AWFUL, and it really took me a while to find a job at all, much less one that I could see myself building a career in. I eventually ended up at a job that utilized my Business/Marketing degrees. When I had Wells, though, my whole perspective changed. I wanted nothing more than to be home with my baby. That was just not a financial possibility for us at the time. However, I eventually went part-time and was able to work that from home. I was SOOOOOO grateful to be at home. But then, in September 2015, the position was no longer part-time/from-home feasible, and due to a change in my husband's job/schedule, I couldn't work full time at that time. So, I lost my job, and we were devastated. Fortunately, God was looking out for us and provided a great part-time position for me. I only work 15 hours a week and can even bring Wells with me into the office if I need to (but he usually goes to my mom's which is literally a few streets over from my office!! another blessing!).

We thought we were in the clear...that is until we got a huge, unwelcome surprise in early December. My husband was laid off from his job (along with about 1,000 others). Eric, an Education major, had been teaching up until early 2015. He began to feel like he wanted to get out of teaching and wanted to make a career in something that would give us more financial stability and allow me to stay home more (that's how I was able to go part-time with my last job). In nothing short of a miracle, he was offered a job last February at a very large employer in our city. He loved it, and we were so hopeful about his future career growth. And then came the layoffs. Talk about horrible timing. The holidays, a baby due soon, and on and on. We couldn't believe that this was happening, but we know that God is good and is always looking out for us. We have no doubt that he will provide for us again, and Eric actually has some really great job leads (that are in the field he wants to stay in) right now that we are hoping will become a reality soon. Please keep us in your prayers if you think about it! On the plus side (and really, there always is one), we have been able to spend lots of time together as a family..which I think is awesome since Wells' only-child experience is about to come to an end.

So, that's the haps around here. Kind of a downer, but it is real life! Ups and downs, highs and lows, but through it all, I am so thankful that we have each other, great family and friends, our health, and so many other countless blessings from our faithful Father. We are so excited to welcome our new baby boy and watch Wells become a big brother. My heart, despite our recent struggles, is truly full.

Okay, onto some resolutions! I am not really a New Year's Resolutions type of gal. So, this is more just, some things I would like to do better, not hard and fast goals/timelines/whatever.

1. Be more patient. With my husband, with Wells, with everything. Patience is one of those things that I don't think I'll ever stop striving for more of. Eric is a very patient person (almost to an annoyance! Haha), and I need to learn a thing or two from him.
2. Be more intentional about devotions. Since becoming a mom, I have slacked off so bad in my quiet time. Once a tiny little human starts taking up all of your time, whenever you get a free second, it is hard to be disciplined and make the most of it when all you really want to do is sleep, shower, revel in the responsibility-free moment! I really do want to get better at setting time aside specifically for devotionals and prayer.
3. Start exercising more. I always played sports in school, and that was my physical activity. I have never really been a gym person. I gained 27 lbs while pregnant with Wells, and lost 40 lbs while nursing! I was the skinniest I have probably ever been and loved it! However, I wasn't doing any exercise (other than chasing after Wells) and did not feel toned or fit...just small. After this baby is born, I want to be sure to get in some type of regular workout - nothing majorly time-consuming or intense, but just something to make me feel healthy and get rid of the "mom flab."
4. Be a better budgeter. Now, we are actually very frugal (is that the polite word for cheap?) with our money. We don't have cable, we don't spend excessively, we eat the vast majority of our meals at home, etc. So, it's not that I necessarily want to spend less (because we don't spend that much in the first place), I just want to be better about documenting it and being more intentional about it in general. I would like to see exactly where our money goes, how we can save more, what we can afford to let go or spend more on, etc.
5. Begin a cleaning schedule. I want to be better at doing housecleaning throughout the day in small chunks instead of at the end of the day (or let's be honest, at the end of the week) when I am exhausted and the place is a complete mess.  

***And the biggest resolution is TO GET READY FOR BABY #2! Aka finish the nursery, install the carseat, pack the hospital know, all the things I had done well in advance when I was pregnant the first time around :)