
Friday, August 3, 2018

Friday Favorites

Whew! What a week! We started back to school this week (Eric teaching and Wells' first day of PreK4!), and mama is TIRED. But at least it's Friday! Linking up with AndreaNarci, and Erika for Friday Favorites!

While I am not crazy about my big boy already being old enough to go to PreK4, school is definitely Wells' favorite! He has been so excited about starting school, and yesterday was the BIG DAY! He rocked his first day, ate every single thing in his lunchbox (and still came home starving), and crashed hard at bedtime. I miss him during the day, but I know he's having a blast. 

So, I know this is going to get old real fast. But for now, I am loving packing lunches. I even dedicated a whole cabinet to it. I give it a week before I am totally over the whole situation. Ha! And while we're talking school lunches, if your kid is a fellow crust-hater, get yourself one of these. Seriously.

Those moments when everyone's playing nicely together and no one is screaming/crying/tackling their brother. Definitely a favorite :)

A favorite moment that had me laughing and rolling my eyes was when I caught sight of my husband washing his hand with the produce wash. He thought I bought a new hand soap and had been using this for a week! 

Two words: baby lips.

This right here. Grayer is our snacker. He is in our pantry the whole day. This meme was made with him in mind, I'm sure!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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